When you hear the word Nourishment what comes to mind?

According to Dictionary.com, Nourishment is something that does or provides what’s needed for someone or something to be healthy and to grow and develop.

Nourishment goes beyond physical, tangible sustenance. When most of us hear the word, we focus on food and nutrition. However, I want to draw your attention to the other more overlooked facets of nourishment. I am talking about deep nourishment of the mind, body and spirit and how it feeds us and brings us to a new level of wellbeing or holistic nourishment.

I would like to challenge you to choose a practice of nourishment for your mind, body and spirit. This practice is just that – a practice – and weaving a nourishing act into your daily routine will positively affect your overall health and wellbeing.

You may have already identified practices that comfort and fuel you; maybe you practice yoga, light a candle, journal, or meditate. Below are some practices that support your mind, body and spirit contributing to holistic nourishment. I encourage you to challenge yourself by trying a new practice this month and see how you feel.

Take a moment to ponder what you are doing to nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Notice how you feel in response. If you regularly practice self-care, how do you feel the rest of the day? What do you notice about your mood, or the way you react to life?

If this is new for you, experiment with yourself; see what works and what doesn’t, how do you feel in your body after trying something new? Maybe just that is enough to contribute to your holistic nourishment – trying something new! If a daily commitment feels too overwhelming, begin with a weekly or monthly one. Remember, the best gift you can give is the gift of wellbeing to yourself.

Discover your blend:


  • Journal
  • Meditate
  • Sound bath
  • Therapy


  • Outdoor walks in your favorite place
  • Try a new type of workout class
  • Set a goal to work towards, like:
    • Sign up for a race
    • Commit to 15 minutes of yoga daily
  • Eat all colors of the rainbow
  • Take a cold shower


  • Listen to a podcast
  • Cook a yummy healthy meal for loved ones
  • Call a friend
  • Enroll in a new course and learn something new
  • Volunteer
  • Read a book
  • Diffuse your favorite essential oil

As you expand your nourishment, check in with your body, mind and spirit. See what comes up for you. Not everything will resonate and that is okay. This is an ongoing practice to discover and improve your overall health and wellbeing. If it does not feel nourishing for you then move on until something does.

This is our challenge to you! But a welcome one if you are committed to feeling your best in mind, body and spirit. 

Not a member? Join here!

Got 30-minutes on Saturday, February 19th at 11:00am EST?

Be Our Guest at our Nourish Your Health Discover Event. Register here!

SimplaFYI is a health and wellbeing company focused on integrative care. We partner with practitioners of acupuncture, chiropractic, massage | bodywork, meditation | mindfulness, yoga, nutrition and more!

SimplaFYI empowers YOU to advance your health and wellbeing.

Question? Email Kathleen at: krepoli@simplafyi.com