With Labor Day in the rearview mirror many of us are coming off of a summer that allowed for unstructured days. Even those of us who worked enjoyed the longer light allowed for evening wanders, outdoor music and day after day sunsets. 

In the last three weeks everyone I talked to seems to be experiencing some transition in their life. From littles going back to pre-school, young adults heading back to college or in some cases not heading back to college, new job searches and interviews, sudden loss of loved ones, and pets with acute onset of debilitating pain. This is on top of the natural transition the end of summer brings.

When we experience transition, our brain’s immediate reaction is to say, hang on…what’s happening here, this isn’t what normally happens. Transitions force us to let go of the familiar and face the future (even if a few days or weeks) with a feeling of vulnerability. Vulnerability can foster feelings of fear and anxiety. This is normal, according to Richard B. Joelson, DSW.

If you or someone you know is faced with transition, take a pause and sit for a minute with a few slow deep breaths. Did you know you can change your mind-set to more quickly adapt to transitions? 

Try these tips, adapted from Psychology Today, to navigate through transitions. Practice these and you will be on your way to changing your mind-set on how you react to transitions and building resilience.

  1. Try viewing transitions as a challenge 
  2. Reflect on times you’ve successfully navigated a transition 
  3. Focus on the positive – even when it feels like what’s happening isn’t fair
  4. Lean on your friends and family
  5. Practice self-compassion. It’s ok to feel what you’re feeling
  6. Practice long-slow breaths to quiet your mind and slow your heart
  7. Take a walk in nature, tune into the sounds around you and notice how you feel
  8. Create a short phrase you can repeat to support yourself, such as, ‘everything is going to be ok’, ‘this is an opportunity to learn’, ‘I am courageous and strong’

There is no way to know what lies ahead…but there is one thing we can be certain of, the more you embrace change and transitions with a sense of curiosity and learning you will make it to the other side. Need guidance? SimplaFYI can help. We have vetted practitioners who can support you through. SimplaFYI members receive discounts on services. Not a Member? Join today!